2 Mukhi Rudraksha

Effectively control the malefic effects of Moon such as diseases of kidney, intestines, uterus and muscles on physical level and on the mental level such as lack of harmony in relationship, unknown fears and emotional instability. Two faced Rudraksha has natural two lines or faces. It is oval in shape and is available in two varieties – Nepal and Indonesia. It is the symbol of ArdhaNareeshwara, a joint image of the Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati (Shakti). In this image we see both in one body. It brings unity like the family unity in form, speech and Meaning. Being capable of getting riches and virtuous off springs by wearing two faced Rudraksha, it’s wearer becomes capable of leading peaceful and sacred life and the wearer’s family finds the reverence and faith continuously increasing among them. Removing the differences of opinions between the Teacher & the pupil, the father and the son, the husband and the wife, and friends, it establishes unity between them.


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